By CFF September 28, 2017

The CFF is committed to offering professional development opportunities, whenever possible. As such, training and mentoring opportunities in the areas of secretariat and armoury will be featured at both Canada Cup East and Canada Cup West competitions.

Our goal is to have national level secretariat, armourers and referees across the country. Your interest in honing your skills will lead to this goal being reached, as well as provide sound structure and support to national, regional and provincial level competitions.


A course offering training in Fencing Time will be offered. This course will focus on getting participants up to speed with utilizing and incorporating the Fencing Time program into their competitions.

Prerequisite: Participants must already have a working knowledge of running a fencing competition. 

The Fencing Time course is currently scheduled to run the day prior to the start of competition; with an opportunity for course participants to be mentored during the competition itself.

To be considered, you must have a current active CFF Licence. A course fee of $15 will apply.


Continued education in skills utilized within armoury will be offered at both competitions. Participants must have some experience in working at the armoury, with the training focused on further development of those skills

To be considered, you must have a current active CFF Licence. A course fee of $15 will apply.


Mentorship opportunities, which will include observation and feedback, will be available to Provincial level referees looking for mentorship to the national level. Referee identification for these events will be done through provincial office and their referee committees. 

To be considered, you must have a current active CFF Licence and have paid their referee levy.

Interested participants for the secretariat and armoury training must register through the following link before October 27, 2017:

You will be expected to dedicate a minimum of one day to the competition.

Final scheduling will be done when interested individuals have identified themselves.