Ontario Veterans Survey

By admin August 26, 2015

A request for your participation in an important baseline survey from the OFA Veterans Committee.

In pursuit of its mandate to enhance veteran fencing in Ontario, the OFA Veteran Committee is undertaking a baseline survey of existing and prospective veteran fencers to identify opportunities for improvement and to set priorities for the 2015-2016 and subsequent fencing seasons. If you have already received this invitation by other means and responded, please accept our thanks.

While the OFA Veteran Committee is focused on making recommendations regarding veteran fencing in Ontario, we invite any Canadian veteran fencer that wishes to participate to take 10-15 minutes to complete the online survey.  Please complete the survey as soon as possible, but ideally no later than September 15, 2015.

Registration and login instructions can be found at: https://secure.futureinnovate.net/docs/OFA/survey_instructions.html

Please be assured that your individual survey responses will be maintained in complete confidence by futureInnovate, which is supporting the survey on a pro bono basis.  Only aggregate data that protects the identity of individual respondents will be made available to the OFA Veterans Committee, OFA, CFF and other provincial associations.

Based on the response data and other research, the OFA Veterans Committee intends to make comprehensive recommendations to the OFA Board and colleague committees in early September. We also anticipate that we will seek further feedback from veterans as the year progresses, to enable us to measure progress, see what is working and what still needs improvement, and continue to benefit from the input of colleagues.

In addition to participating yourself, please feel free to forward this survey invitation email to any active, formerly active, or prospective veteran fencer, as we are looking for all the feedback we can get.

We look forward to your responses and seeing you on the pistes in the coming season.

On behalf of the OFA Veterans Committee, thanks in advance for your participation.
Rob McLean
Chair, OFA Veterans Committee