CFF Seeks Committee Chairs

By admin June 26, 2013

The CFF is seeking nominations for Committee Chairs for the following Program Committees:

1. Coaching Education and Certification Committee

Mandate: The Coaching Education and Certification Committee is a program committee of the CFF. Its role is to provide leadership for the development of coaching education and certification in Canada, in accordance with the principles of CFF’s Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Model.

Key Duties: The Committee will perform the following key duties:
• Recommend policies, standards, rules and guidelines for the delivery of the National Coaching Certification Program for Fencing, in compliance with the requirements of the Coaching Association of Canada.
• Oversee the development of coaching resource and education material to promote coaching development in fencing.

2. Domestic Development Committee

Mandate: The Domestic Development Committee is a program committee of the CFF. Its role is to provide leadership for the development of fencing in Canada, in accordance with the principles of CFF’s Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Model.

Key Duties: The Committee will perform the following key duties:
• Recommend philosophies, policies, programs and guidelines to support the successful adoptions and implementation of the LTAD model in fencing.
• Define and establish national programs for the development of fencing in Canada, including but not limited to: club development, armband, initiation, coaching programs etc.

3. Competitions Committee

Mandate: The Competitions Committee is a program committee of the CFF. Its role is to provide leadership, guidance and expertise to oversee the successful planning and delivery of all CFF competitions, including all events that are in partnership with respective hosts as selected by CFF.

Key Duties: The Committee will perform the following key duties:
 Prepare both long-term (5 years) and short-term (annual) work plans, with timelines, to guide the work of the Committee, for approval by the Executive Director.
 Recommend policies, standards and guidelines related to the hosting aspects of all CFF competitions.
 Recommend bid procedures, timelines and site selection criteria to solicit and decide proposals for hosting all CFF National or International competitions.
 Receive and review all qualified bids and if deemed necessary, have a representative undertake a site visit of each candidate venue.
 Select winning bids for each event and appoint Tournament Chairs.
 Review all budgets, significant contracts, significant sponsors and the proposed schedule of events for all events and provide non-binding feedback to the Executive Director and to designated staff.
 Ensure that all policies, rules and guidelines pertaining to the delivery of all CFF competitions are adhered to by the hosts.
 Carry out an evaluation of each event and provide this report to the current host, to future hosts, and to the Executive Director.

4. High Performance Advisory Committee

Mandate: The High Performance Advisory Committee is a program committee of the Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF). Its role is to provide leadership and direction to CFF’s High Performance Programs.

Key Duties: The Committee will perform the following key duties:
 Oversee all aspects of the CFF’s High Performance programs, including Training Centres and National Teams.
 Ensure consistency, uniformity and effectiveness in the administration of High Performance Programs.
 Liaise with other program committees on matters pertaining to High Performance, Training Centres and National Teams.

5. Wheelchair Fencing Committee

Mandate: The Wheelchair Fencing Committee is a program committee of the CFF. Its role is to oversee the development and delivery of high performance programs for fencers with a disability.

Key Duties: The Committee will perform the following key duties:
 Oversee all aspects of the men’s and women’s National Team programs, including training and competition schedules, Training Centre facilities and IST support.
 Provide training, technical resources and development opportunities for coaches in Wheelchair fencing.
 Prepare and monitor budgets for the administration of National Team programs, and seek alternative funding sources to enhance opportunities.
 Raise awareness of the opportunities available for fencers with a disability, in both the fencing and disabled communities.
 Offer expertise and resources to support the development of grass-roots programs in Wheelchair fencing.
 Serve as the Canadian Fencing Federation liaison to various international and national organizations, including IWAS (International Wheelchair Association for Sport), IPC (International Paralympic Committee), and CPC (Canadian Paralympic Committee)

6. National Referee Committee

Mandate: The National Referee Committee is a program committee of the Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF). Its role is to provide leadership and direction to CFF’s Referee programs.

Key Duties: The Committee will perform the following key duties:
 To promote the development of the National Certification program in order to ensure a high level of officiating in Canada.
 To promote the development of the International Referees program to ensure that Canadian Referees are represented at FIE and other competitions.
 To assist the Provinces to educate, train, and certify Referees at the local, provincial and regional levels.
 To work with the Provinces to assist in the development and recruitment of officials.
 To work with the Provinces in delivering the Referee Development Plan to the fencing community.
 To promote effective communication amongst the CFF registered Referees and the fencing community.
 To ensure that documentation for referees is available.
 To ensure that the Fencing rules and Referee Guidelines for Canada are consistent with those developed by the FIE.

7. Ad Hoc Committee on Membership

Mandate: The Membership Committee is an ad hoc committee of the CFF. Its role is to review the membership structures of the PSO’s and NSO.

Key Duties: The Committee will perform the following key duties:
• Identify commonality in PSO membership structures;
• Define a structure that will allow the capture of the real number of fencing participants;
• Define a growth strategy for each category; and
• Recommend policies, standards, rules and guidelines for the NSO membership structure.

All Committees will operate as per the following:

Appointment: The chairperson shall nominate all other committee members to be approved by the Executive Director. Members of the Committee will serve terms of one year, and such terms may be renewed to a maximum of six consecutive terms.
Nominations from the community, including P/T Associations should be solicited.
When approving the committee membership, the Executive Director will consider the ability and experience of the candidate as well as the diverse nature of the CFF’s membership, including language, gender and geographic location as weighting for approval.

Meetings: The Committee will meet by telephone or in person, as required. Meetings will be at the call of the Chair or at the call of the Executive Director.

Resources: The Committee will receive the necessary resources from CFF to fulfill its mandate. The Executive Director has final authority on all staffing.

Reporting: The Committee will report through the Executive Director to the Board of Directors. The Committee will report to the membership, in writing, at the Annual General Meeting. The Chair of the Committee will attend the Annual General Meeting and will also participate in all CFF strategic planning meetings as required.

Please feel free to forward this document to all potential candidates in your province. All interested candidates should submit their name, contact information and a brief outline of their experience in the program area that they are applying for, by July 10, 2013 to [email protected].

Provincial Associations

Proud Partners of the Canadian Fencing Federation