High Performance & Membership Services Coordinator
October 5, 2021
The Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF) is looking for a motivated and energetic person to fill the new position of High…...
October 5, 2021
The Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF) is looking for a motivated and energetic person to fill the new position of High…...
September 24, 2021
Registration for the October High Performance Training Camps is now open! http://fencing.ca/high-performance-competitions-and-camps/...
September 20, 2021
The CFF will be holding HP camps for all weapons the weekend of October 23-24. As per the Selection Booklet…...
September 17, 2021
The revised 2021/2022 Selection Booklet (Cadet/Junior/Senior) is now available. NOTE: Schedules for HP camps for each weapon are being finalized for…...
September 7, 2021
To all High Performance Athletes and Coaches. Be advised that we are revising the 2021-2022 Cadet/Junior/Senior Selection booklet. The October…...
August 26, 2021
The CFF is seeking members interested in being nominated for the FIE commissions and councils. Deadline is September 15th. NOMINATION…...
August 24, 2021
July 21, 2021
Tokyo Olympics Schedule and Results ...