What is Safe Sport?

Safe Sport provides a framework to ensure that everyone in the sport of fencing is able to enjoy the sport. Fencers, coaches, officials and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive environment that is free of abuse, harassment or discrimination.

The CFF Board of Directors approved a revised Safe Sport Policy Manual on March 29, 2023.

Canadian Safe Sport Program

The Canadian Fencing Federation has adopted the Canadian Safe Sport Program (CSSP), which is in effect as of April 1, 2025.

Through the CSSP Rules, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) independently administers the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) for federally funded, national-level sport organizations by receiving and responding to reports of prohibited behaviour, and by developing and carrying out education, prevention, and policy activities.

The CSSP Rules clearly and publicly set out how that will be done, including defined timelines at each stage of the reporting process. The CSSP also offers support services to connect participants with help along the way.

For more information about the CSSP and the UCCMS, click here.

How to report

As of April 1, the CCES will accept reports through an online report form and by phone – both methods allow you to remain anonymous if you wish. If you choose to share your name when you make a report, the CCES will not share it with your sport organization unless it is necessary to keep you or someone else safe, and will make every effort to get your consent beforehand.

Report online:

Report by phone: 1-833-858-CSSP (2777)

It is important to note that the CSSP reporting mechanism only applies in situations where the Respondent to a complaint has been designated as a UCCMS Participant. If the Respondent is an individual who has not been identified as a UCCMS Participant, they are outside the jurisdiction of the CSSP process. In these situations, where a complaint is against a Respondent that is not a UCCMS participant, the reporting would be re-directed to the CFF’s independent third party (ITP) W&W Dispute Resolution. The ITP is empowered to supersede CFF staff and Directors and launch appropriate policies as required based on evidence or a situation reported.  Your contact with the ITP is confidential, subject to certain legal limits. For general disputes, you are encouraged to try to resolve your situation at the club or provincial level before contacting the Canadian Fencing Federation.

The existence of this Independent Third Party does not prevent individuals from contacting the CFF directly with complaints if they are comfortable with the process.

Get help and information

You can contact the CSSP team with questions or for support here:

Complete your e-learning

ORGANIZATION will notify all designated participants who are subject to the CSSP. This includes, but is not limited to, specified athletes, board members, employees, casual staff, volunteers, and contractors, support staff, and medical staff.

Everyone who is subject to the CSSP must complete the e-learning course and sign the participant consent form. ORGANIZATION will distribute an invitation that includes a link to sign up, instructions, and a code to access the course from the CCES online education portal. If you have questions about your education requirements, email [email protected].


Safe Sport is a collective responsibility. By reporting concerns of maltreatment in sport, you are contributing to building a safer sport environment. The Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF) is committed to, and strongly supports, the need for independent safe sport entities both through the CSSP for reporting and addressing all violations of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS), as well as our partnership with W&W Dispute Resolution, for confidential reporting of safe sport policy violations.

Responsible Coaching Movement

The CFF has taken the pledge of The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) committing to implementing supportive policies and processes that adhere to the three key areas of focus in Phase 1 of the Responsible Coaching Movement – The Rule of Two; Background Screening (Including Criminal Record Checks); and Respect and Ethics Training.

The CFF has implemented required criminal background checks for all certified coaches, staff, volunteers and activity leaders through  All Fencing Provincial Sport Organizations (PSO’s), including clubs have access to the services of this system.

The CFF has also established the RESPECT in Sport for Activity Leaders training which is a requirement for volunteers, staff and coaches directly involved in CFF programs. The Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program educates youth leaders, coaches, officials and participants (14-years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). The platform enables PSO’s to also access the training services for their clubs and members.

The Coaching Association of Canada’s Safe Sport module is another acceptable option for coaches, athletes, officials, parents and volunteers to meet their Safe Sport training requirement.

The RCM web page also includes valuable resources for parents including links to report suspected abuse.  Parents play a vital role in shaping the organizations in which their children are involved. By proactively supporting organizations to implement policies and procedures focused on protecting athletes and coaches from unethical behaviour, parents contribute to the ongoing development of our sport system and ensure a positive environment for all.

Finally, the CFF Board is currently reviewing policies and procedures and will work closely with national sport partners and agencies who are working together to create more effective reporting, screening and tracking policies for coaches. These new policies and procedures need to be implemented at all levels within our sport to ensure that we work together to ensure a safe sport environment for fencers.